Protect Your Locations With Proper Gear Staging


Proper Gear Staging

Get invited back to your location

Working in G&E we have a lot of responsibility on our shoulders- Literally. We carry very AWKWARD and HEAVY equipment through sometimes very cramped work spaces. These can be very high end, expensive locations. The last thing I want to do is risk leaving behind any damage and cause a headache for the Production Manager or Location Manager. We need to pay special attention to detail every step of the day.

When I’m on location with any production I have a large responsibility to maintain order and cleanliness with the gear and staging. One small detail that makes a huge impact is how I store my flags in staging. It’s OK to lean flags against the wall, but NEVER EVER leave it with the pin making content with a soft material (the wall).

I never lean my flags on the wall with the pin touching the wall.

It sounds simple but the frames of our flags are made of steel and when that protruding pin comes in contact with dry wall, it can cause damage to your location!

I like to keep my producers and locations managers happy by leaving set cleaner than I found it.

Flag Setiquette-.jpg