FreshPet Holiday Commercial


DMG Lumiere Switch

FreshPet Holiday Ad

I had a really great opportunity to take the DMG Lumiere SL1 Switch on a test drive for a commercial project. The production company came up with a hilarious mock-umentary style ad as part of a Fresh Pet Holiday campaign. The light arrived the morning of our pre-light and came with multiple diffusers, DOP Choice soft box and a grid. This was completely kitted out and I had everything I needed to take it for a proper test drive.

I was a big fan of the shape, size and output. The shape is obviously reminiscent of a Kino Flo style light which is tried and true. The softbox was a great addition to make the source slightly larger and softer- It was just the ticket for our interview setup.

Most of the day the fixture lived on the porch and was coming in through the windows. I had the intensity at 100 and it was just enough to give us the shape that the room needed.

You can click the link to see the write-up that DMG did on their blog as well as to see more BTS Pics.